2nd December 2020 A second Lockdown was predictable! After a brief period of optimism at the end of the summer,... ...the Covid cloud comes back again in September. Second Lockdown (5.11.-2.12.)! Stay at home - except specific purposes. Individual exercise is permitted (max. 2 persons). The beet where we train our dogs is very remote -... ...- no problem to observe the rule of social distancing! The pheasant cocks seem to know the rule... ...but not the hens (no more comment)! No lockdown at all for the sheep - mating season! Generally an ewe is in heat for 24-36 hours (gestation about 150 days). The ram responds to urination of the sheep by sniffing. To know how efficiently the ram is breeding the ewes he can wear a harness (with a slot for a replaceable crayon). Picture viovet Enough theory - Raymond knows how to tup an ewe! "Fake" is also in season. Our plan was to mate her this time - but due to Corona virus and Brexit we have decided to wait another year. Nobody knows the future; we live in the here and now...