31st July 2021 Summer is the hottest of the four temperate seasons… And it was hot! This is not the outdoor temperature... ...but "thanks" to our AGA it's "boiling hot" in the kitchen! In July the storms on the Continent reach hurricane strength and cause huge damage everywhere... ...and Claudias dogs Brandy, Dice and Eyleen have to climb over all the lying trees. In North Yorkshire it is already 22 degrees at 9 am and our dogs are happy for every little puddle! Bracken and heather grow despite drought... ...and the cotton grass is in flower! While in Switzerland the storm destroyed whole harvestings... ...and ducks are swimming on the ruined fields... ..at our place the clipped sheep are looking for lush grass! It's quite dry in our garden... ...however - the daily watering proves the test:... ...roses and clematis are flourishing. Our dogs enjoy the garden... ...as well as the white wagtail... ...that appreciates our pond. Anything else? The pandemie restrictions have been released mid of July - summertime and Corona (photo NYMMO)! And also Flint doesn't really stick to the rules of social distancing!