4th March 2022 3 storms hit the UK in 1 week… February saw Britain (and the Continent) hit by three severe gales. Trees being brought down by intense gusts of wind. The first storm was DUDLEY (called "Ylenia" on the Continent), the second EUNICE ("Zeynep" on the Continent)... ...and FRANKLIN was the third in a week! Trees being brought down not only by the gales but also by harvesting timber. Dalby Forest (at our doorstep) is an area of over 3'500 hectares of primarily coniferous forest. Trees are a natural and renewable source of raw material. Timber is sustainably harvested from clearfell and thinnings. A cycle of continual regeneration over a long time is the lifeblood of any forest and woodland ecosystem. In British forests, harvesting timber is an essential part of the cycle. Let's enjoy a healthy forest! Another type of storm will "hit" us - IF the mating with Fake and Murphy has been successful...!