Good things come to those who wait…
The time to collect Daniels birthday present was mid of october...
...and when Yucca moved to Whitethorn she was 9 weeks old.
BUT it took 6 more weeks until Chris could take some lovely photos. Many thanks for that!
Now then - we officially introduce Tomillygun YUCCA...
...and of course she can stand on her own feet!
There are so many things to discover - sometimes alone...
...sometimes with a companion (here with Flint).
Whitethorn is big: Every day there is a new "miracle"... places to discover...
...and new obstacles to take control.
The moors are even bigger!
At the beginning there is support by the gang,...
...and litter sister Amber.
To dash around is even more interesting...
...and finding a ball every now and then.
Life is beautiful, isn't it?