4th March 2021 February is the month with the least amount of days… ...but in regard of weather it was a long month! The "Beast from the East" caused wintry scenes,... ...snow and strong winds sparked travel chaos (A169 from Pickering to Whitby)... ...and a lot of salt to clear the road. Melting snow and more rain... ...led to flooding in lower areas (car park at Morrisons / Malton). The mornings have been very misty... ...or frosty... ...and quite cold. Even though there have been some berries on the bushes and trees... ...the birds regularly visited our feeders in the garden. Our dogs enjoyed their "limited" daily walks over the moors,... ...through marsh... ...or through woods. Fake trained herself as mountain rescue dog... ...and tried to climb everywhere and... ...and through everything. Even for her quite exhausting! Lockdown? Not for our dogs. And for us? Restrictions will be eased and at least there is an exit plan to end Lockdown.