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4th April 2022
March 2022 will go down in history as one of the most sunny month.
During most of the time we nearly had no rain.
Nature, dogs, geese... everything is pampered by sunshine.
Even our pond awakes from wintersleep.
It not only does attract small birds (as goldfinches)....
...but also bigger ones as pheasants...
...and also fourlegged animals of quite a different nature!
This mild March is perfect for offspring:...
On the contrary: No Lockthorn offspring...
And then spring ceases abruptly: Onset of winter!
Now we cross fingers that all plants will survive.
Let's hope that spring will return before Easter...
Anyway, we already wish you a Happy Easter!
And another wish: Happy Birthday to Dido and Duffy for their 11th birthday on 4.4.22!
As a memory a 10 year old photo dated April 2012 with Dale, Dido, Duffy and Dice.